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When My Father and My Mother Forsake Me, Then the Lord Will Take Me Up - Psalm 27:10

Updated: Jul 21, 2024

God in heaven, Creator of life and giver of breath…how can it be that what my eyes behold as a blessed gift is blindness to another? I see your wonderous works and stand in awe at the precious life of a child and you are to be praised in this. Who else could form a life in the womb of a woman and allow it to breath with no air? Only the magnificent mind of God could knit together every fiber of a life that blood flows to every part and causes the heart to beat. I adore your ways, Lord. I am in love with the beginning of a life and the anticipation of breath that is yours to give. From the first little flutter inside the womb, it is like the forming of a butterfly inside a chrysalis. Who would cut open a chrysalis and remove the butterfly before its time to be born? Who would reach into the creation of life and interrupt its formation? Only someone that does not respect the order of things in the life of creation. Someone that does not desire to see the butterfly fulfill its purpose.   

The following excerpt is a comment from a woman in response to the proposal to stop offering cremation and burial services for children that are aborted in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. You can read the article in its entirety here. I warn you that within this article are extremely disturbing images of aborted children. I debated on whether I would share this article due to the weight of the pictures within it. I think women can be far removed from their actions if they do not witness the outcome of their decision. I personally cannot stomach these pictures and had to scroll through without looking. The very depths of me support the creation of life and I am for God’s plan, not woman’s plan. If you are deeply disturbed by witnessing truth in photos, I ask that you pray for the mother and the child. I ask that you pray for the mother to value the miracle of life within her, and choose life over death, and God’s plan over her plan. What follows are the words of a woman in her 28th week of pregnancy.


“During the June 2024 Presidential debates last month, former President Donald J. Trump spoke of post birth abortions and terminations being legal in N.Y. I hope these new rules will not impede on my rights to this. I am currently in the 28th month (she must mean week) since conception, and I’m still not sure I want to keep it. Sometimes it’s just an a@#hole, and I debate pulling the rip cord. Will I still be able to still terminate for the first 36 months (again, she means weeks) with these rules?” - Jennifer    

My hands hang limp at my sides, and my mouth has no breath to form the words to explain the vexation within me…...I can’t breathe.

I know that you told us what it would be like in the last days, so we had been warned of the rampant evil that was coming, but this is just too much to bear. I often cry and plead to you Lord regarding the innocent ones as I sit in awe that there is no fear or reverence for you. With each passing generation, the selfishness of people and the dismissal of life climbs to a level of wickedness that surprisingly outdoes itself. Don’t they know that every life they take goes right back to you? And don’t they know you will repay them for taking what was not theirs to take? “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

They should fear you; I do. I know what you are capable of because you told us, and I believe everything you said. You warned us, but not everyone has listened. Even the ears that you gave them are a blessing, but they are shut to you. Is it possible that we have not received every detail of scripture and every warning because you want them to come to you out of desire for salvation and not out of fear? Has every revelation given to your Apostles been placed in our hands so that we can make an informed decision about believing in you or do you retain mystery so that we follow you out of faith? Oh, what an awesome God we have in you Lord, for my love for you is planted within me like a seed that grows as it awaits the promise of reaping the harvest that was sewn in faith. He said to me, “And now, Daniel, close the book and put a seal on it until the end of the world. Meanwhile, many people will waste their efforts trying to understand what is happening.” Daniel 12:4 

So, we can expect that something is coming, something that awaits us at the end of this world, something He doesn’t want you to know. If it was good, then the believers would have even more to celebrate as we await the coming of our Lord…but if it’s bad, the unbelievers would have even more doubt in the word and warnings of God. They already question how God could allow such bad things to happen to good people. They question His ways because they don’t know His ways. They don’t know Him at all. What about the punishment that is awaiting the bad people? What happens to those people that oppose God?  They have the choice not to believe now, but they won't have a choice to not believe later. The time has come for judgement to begin, and God’s own people are first to be judged. If it starts with us, how will it end with those who do not believe the Good News from God? As the scripture says, “It is difficult for good people to be saved; what, then, will become of godless sinners?” 1 Peter 4:17-18 

If you know the Lord, abide in Him and follow His ways then there is no excuse for someone to knowingly sin against the Lord. You are not without the knowledge of heaven and hell if you are a follower of Jesus. The truth is everyone has heard of Jesus. The awful truth is that not everyone believes in Jesus. If you do not accept Him, then you reject Him, plain and simple. You must accept the gift of the Son to receive the reward of the Father. There have been many testimonies of people that have experienced death and been shown both heaven and hell, and in most cases the people were told by the Lord to warn others that hell is very real, and to give others hope that heaven is so amazing that most of these people did not want to leave it once they tasted its glory. This is God’s mercy which is so bountiful in His character, that He would show these things to others so they would believe. In the same way, Jesus performed miracles so that people would believe He was the Son of God and still many did not believe. He has given people so many chances to turn to Him and accept the sacrifice He made for us, so there is no longer any sacrifice to be made to bring people to the knowledge of God. As it says in Habakkuk 2:2-4, “Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you, so that it can be read at a glance. Put it in writing, because it is not yet time for it to come true. But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true. It may seem slow in coming but wait for it; it will certainly take place, and it will not be delayed. And this is the message: Those who are evil will not survive, but those who are righteous will live because they are faithful to God.”  

I believe that each Bible speaks of heaven and hell, no matter how many books man decided to include or leave out, these are the places set by the Lord to eternally hold the children of obedience and the children of disobedience. In my studies of scripture, I read the Revelation of Peter, also known as The Apocalypse of Peter. For many reasons, determined by man, there have been writings that we have not seen in our own Bibles, but that does not mean they are not God-breathed writings. The Revelation of Peter was listed in the Muratorian Canon among the two apocalypses (the other being the Revelation of John). It was also supported by Clement of Alexandria. We are to use discernment in all things, and in doing so I studied the validity of these writings of Peter and read an extensive study and comparison to some of Peter’s other writings. You can read the study here:

I encourage you to do so as is our right to have all biblical knowledge possible, and to use discernment in reading them. I will include the entirety of this writing for your review, but there was a section that stood out to me that was very hard to dismiss. Before I include that section, I want to state once more that I do not agree with abortion in any way. I do not believe that taking the life of an unborn child is ever warranted and this includes the possibility that having this child could put the mother’s life at risk. I would gladly give my life for my child while they are in the womb or out of the womb, as I believe that God alone determines the purpose of a life. The Lord has pressed it upon me to be merciful to the repentant mother that mourns the loss of her child. I am aware that there are situations where the mother was coerced, misinformed, or tricked into aborting her child. I also know that God can change the heart of someone to see the error of their ways and in doing so, many people are grieved with a decision they made in their past and given the option would go back and change their action. I understand repentance and regret and for that I have mercy over judgment. God alone knows the intentions of the heart and He alone will pay back the actions of His children according to their true intentions. “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:10

You do not have to get through me to get to heaven, but through Jesus, so your case is not before me but Him. In my heart, I believe that the following torment comes to those that have not accepted Jesus, therefore will not partake in the goodness of His grace. I do however believe that this will be the eternal judgement for those that do not accept Jesus and have lived their lives following the lust of their flesh and not held any value for life including their own. I also believe that if you know Jesus, you know that killing is wrong and He will determine the outcome of every life someone took that belonged to Him. “Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done.” Isaiah 3:11

My purpose in sharing this is because I had never seen it before. I was raised Methodist, and our Bible only contains what man allowed. The Protestant Bible contains 66 books, and the Catholic Bible contains 73 books, and we have the same God…so what’s up with that? I no longer follow any man-made religion, but the truth of Jesus. Man has muddied the water that was left for us to drink and it’s not our fault; we can only read what we were given. We know enough to put our faith in Jesus and follow His teachings and not the precepts of men. I encourage you to read this article about Martin Luther and how his opinion determined the books that were included and left out of your Bible.     

The following excerpt is from a portion of The Apocalypse/Revelation of Peter  

(I would like to note that we have never seen the name “Azrael” until we found The Apocalypse of Peter. I have seen two spellings of that name depending on the interpretation of these writings. When I read the name of this angel, I was in awe. This is the name of the angel that came to Jeremy in a dream on February 2, 2024. You can see his journal entry of the dream on the Journal Entries page of our website.)

“And the messenger Azrael will bring forth the souls of them that have been slain, and they will behold the torment of them that slew them and say to one another: Righteousness and justice is the judgement of God. For we heard, but we did not believe, that we should come into this place of continuous judgment. And near by this flame will be a great and very deep pit, and into it flows from above all manner of torment, foulness, and issue. And women are swallowed up therein up to their necks and tormented with great pain. These are they that have caused their children to be born untimely and have corrupted the work of God that created them. Over against them will be another place where their children sit alive, and they cry to God. And lightnings go forth from those children and pierce the eyes of them that for fornications sake have caused their destruction. Other men and women will stand above them, naked; and their children stand over against them in a place of delight, and sigh and cry to God because of their parents, saying, These are they that have despised, and cursed, and transgressed Your commands and delivered us to death: they have cursed the messenger that formed us, and have hanged us up, and withheld from us the light which You have given to all creatures. And the milk of their mothers flowing from their breasts will congeal, and from it will come beasts devouring flesh, which will come forth, and turn, and torment them agelong with their husbands, because they forsook the commands of God and slew their children. As for their children, they will be delivered to the messenger Temlakos. And they that slew them will be tormented continuously, for God wills it so. Azrael, the messenger of wrath, will bring men and woman-the half of their bodies burning-and cast them into a place of darkness, even the Gehenna of men; and a spirit of wrath will punish them with all manner of torment, and a worm that does not sleep will devour their entrails: and these are the persecutors and betrayers of My righteous ones.   

(The New Testament Greek word “Gehenna,” usually translated as “hell,” refers to the way God’s justice will deal with evil in the world. Gehenna comes from the Hebrew phrase “gey’ hinnom,” which means the “valley of wailing.” It’s an actual valley on the southwest side of Jerusalem.)

Does this sound too severe for taking the life of a child that belongs to the Lord? I suppose your answer would reflect the value you place on life. The fact remains that it is not for us to determine the value or purpose of a life. God is the owner of all life, and He gets to decide what to do with it. He has the right of possession to take life, because He has the power to give life. It would make sense that there must be a punishment for taking a possession of the Lords. “Truly no man can ransom himself, or give to God the price of his life, for the ransom of his life is costly, and can never suffice, that he should continue to live on forever, and never see the Pit.” Psalm 49:7-9

“The Lord is known by His acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.” Psalm 9:16

“The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.” Ezekiel 18:20

I think you grasp the severity of God’s wrath on those that do not protect or hold dear the life of a child. Why would I share this with you? Because if you know the outcome of a sinner and do not warn them, then what kind of believer would I be? If I could warn these women that their actions would come at a heavy price, then here I am to do that. God is the God of balanced scales, and His judgement is righteous. His wrath is provoked by our disobedience and treatment of His children, and His love is abundant for His children that obey and accept His Son. God is loving and merciful to those who repent of their sins and cry out to Him, and I believe they will be forgiven, washed clean and made pure before Him. We are all sinners and are not worthy of His forgiveness, but He is a merciful God and desires that we surrender to Him. We were created to worship Him and give Him all the glory!

Your life is not your own, no life belongs to you. Our very breath is the Lords, and He can take it at His will. Your children are not yours, but His. He is the Creator of all life, and it will all return into the hands of God. "I am telling you the truth: whoever hears my words and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life. He will not be judged but has already passed from death to life. I am telling you the truth: the time is coming-the time has already come-when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear it will come to life. Just as the Father is himself the source of life, in the same way He has made His Son to be the source of life. And He has given the Son the right to judge, because He is the Son of Man. Do not be surprised at this; the time is coming when all the dead will hear His voice and come out of their graves: those who have done good will rise and live, and those who have done evil will rise and be condemned.” John 5:24-29

The Apocalypse of Peter


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