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The Wind of the Spirit of God


March 8, 2024

I was in prayer this morning, and in the middle of my prayer there was a loud wind that came up. It was blowing hard, and I could hear it shaking the windows, leaves hitting the house. It sounded like a heavy storm blew in. It was loud enough to interrupt my prayer. I stopped praying and just stayed silent. I thought, "wow, maybe that cold front just blew through." Actually, my first thought was the Holy Spirit. I always think that because of the day of Pentecost. I also felt a cool air around my feet and on my legs where I was kneeling. I just thought my wife had the doors open and a breeze was blowing through. I came out of the room and my wife was in the kitchen. I said, "that must have been a heck of a storm that just hit." She looked at me puzzled and said, "what storm?" I said, "there was a huge wind, I heard it and felt the breeze." She replied, "no" and smiled. She said she was in the office putting on her make-up. (The office is drafty and surrounded by windows) It was dead calm outside.

I didn't receive a vision or words today, but I felt the presence of the Spirit. What a beautiful confirmation our merciful God has sent. What power, what glory. I am in awe of the God of Israel. He is amazing to behold. - Jeremy

"When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:1-2

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