In prayer this morning, Jeremy received a vision. It is as follows:
March 7, 2024 - In prayer this morning I was shown a riverbank (The Nile) and there was a fish skeleton laying on the bank. I knew that the river was putrid, and the fish were dying and gone. I spoke the vision back to the Spirit of God in confirmation. I asked if He had any words that were to go with it. I asked what He wanted me to do with this. I did not receive any warning with it because I feel that it is self explanatory and obvious. He said, "Trust Me" once again, and a little more firm this time. I kept thinking of Gideon who used sheeps fleece to know if what he was receiving was actually from God and not himself, then I remembered, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord your God.' I sat in silence for a bit more then I was reminded of a scene in The Chosen, when the actor portraying Moses was making the bronze serpent for people to look upon to be healed. Joshua was rebuking Moses for it and Moses said, "I have learned to do what He tells me to do without question." This saying, even though I know it is not written and was made up by writers, hit me hard and I wept. I have to obey our Lord. Even when I don't understand or I think the visions are too frequent for them to be from God. That is leaning on my own understanding and not trusting Him. Proverbs 3:5-6
"I am going to frustrate the plans of the Egyptians and destroy their morale. They will ask their idols to help them, and they will go and consult mediums and ask the spirits of the dead for advice. I will hand the Egyptians over to a tyrant, to a cruel king who will rule them. I, the Lord Almighty, have spoken." The water will be low in the Nile, and the river will gradually dry up. The channels of the river will stink as they slowly go dry. Reeds and rushes will wither, and all the crops planted along the banks of the Nile will dry up and be blown away. Everyone who earns a living by fishing in the Nile will groan and cry; their hooks and their nets will be useless. Isaiah 19:3-8