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Salt & Honey
"I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you." Psalm 81:16
You don't just have to read it here, you can follow along and be a witness by listening to Carrie and Jeremy talk about all these things and more on their Podcast!
"Now, mortal man, I am making you a watchman for the nation of Israel. You must pass on to them the warnings I give you. If I announce that an evil man is going to die but you do not warn him to change his ways so that he can save his life, then he will die, still a sinner, and I will hold you responsible for his death. If you do warn an evil man and he doesn't stop sinning, he will die, still a sinner, but your life will be spared." Ezekiel 33:7-9
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